For rescue assistance, call 911 or Boulder County Sheriff's dispatch
(303) 441-4444
Thanks to our supporters:
Just for Parents
This section is intended to give you information to pass on to your kids. Worried about your kid's safety? We have some information on that too.
Safety Tree
This is a handout to help kids (~ages 5 through 10) from getting lost and to teach them what to do if they do get lost. It can be downloaded as a finished product or as an activity where they cut the leaves out and put them on the tree along with coloring.
The "Safety in the Colorado Mountains" brochure is a great resource for mountain safety taken from our years of experience. Intended for grades 4 through 12. (click on brochure to go to our download page) (also available in Spanish)
The "Mountains Don't Care" poster (11x17") provides some basic information on being safe in the mountains of Colorado in an attractive display. Intended for grades 3 through 12. (click on poster to go to our download page).
Both of these are available in hard copy format including brochure holders. If you would like hard copy materials, please contact us at:
How Safe are Your Kids?
Before you start looking at the numbers of searches and rescues, you need to look at how many people are using our mountain parks and open space. Here's some general numbers:
Boulder Mountain Parks & Open Space: 5.3 million per year
Eldorado Springs State Park: 200,000 per year (includes 50,000 climbers)
National Forest Indian Peaks: 1 million per year
If you take a number such as 6.5 million visitors and divide by a rough number of 100 searches/rescues, then you have a basic number of 1 in 65,000 chance of needing to be found or rescued. Many of our rescues involve people that lack experience and technical skills. If someone has the needed skills and experience, the number may be more like 1 in 100,000 chance. Certainly some activities such as climbing involve more risk, but even there looking at Eldorado Springs, statistics show there's perhaps a 1 in 10,000 chance of serious injury and even less if you have the proper skills, experience and judgment.
It is important that your kids are aware of the hazards and gain the skills and experience to make good decisions in the outdoors. Our safety education brochure (above) offers a good start in thinking about outdoor safety.